Refrigerator Watermelon Rind Pickles
This recipe is not for canning, it is just a quick pickle and intended to be eaten within about 3 weeks (if they last)
3 cups watermelon rinds cut into 3 inch slices (just the white part in between the pink flesh and green skin)
½ cup White Vinegar
¾ cup Water
1 tsp Salt
3 tsp sugar
2 cloves garlic lightly crushed
Pickling Spices
Sprig of herbs such as rosemary, dill or thyme
Slice rinds into size of choice (3 inch slices usually work well). Put pickling spices at bottom of a 32 oz jar or plastic container with lid. Put in a sprig of fresh herbs. Pack watermelon rinds tight into container. In a large pot add water, vinegar, salt, and sugar and cook only to dissolve salt. Pour warm liquid to cover the vegetables in container. Put in refrigerator at least over night. Can keep and eat up to 3 weeks stored in refrigerator.